Lama buddhism
Lama buddhism

It is true that the subjects were logic, Sanskrit grammar, fine arts and medicine but more emphasis had been devoted in teaching of Buddhism and its philosophy. His Holiness started his educational pursuit at the age of six only and he had gone through the curriculum same as that was taught in the Nalanda.

lama buddhism

At the age of two, then named Lhamo Dhondup, was recognized as the reincarnation of the previous 13 Dalai Lama, Thubten Gyasto. His Holiness the 14 Dalai Lama was born on 6 July, 1935, to a farming family, in a small hamlet located in Taktser, Amdo, northern Tibet.


As a result, under the leadership of His Holiness the 14 Dalai Lama with his followers compelled to evacuate the holy place and sheltered in India to save their identity as a whole and accelerated their movement for free Tibet issue globally. But the main tangle started when the communist China forcefully occupied Tibet to extend their territory more than seven decades back. which passed from generation to generation with their preview and as a result it could be existed a congenial relationship of India with Tibet for several thousand years back. On the other hand, Indian people especially Hindus inherited their philosophy, religion, culture etc. Tibetans are very simple in their nature and believer of Buddhism and keeping peace and harmony amongst them.

lama buddhism lama buddhism

Tibet was originally India’s neighboring country where Buddhism spread entire Tibet maintaining their own culture, religion, languages and so forth.

Lama buddhism